Outer Lover's Cove (Intermediate)

Outer Lover's Cove is on the other side to the peninsula of rock that forms the park. Parking during high tourist season can be a nightmare, so if you intend to dive here, get there early.

Outer Lover's Location
Underwater Site Map

Image Legend:   Red     - generally uninteresting unless you like sand or surgy rocks.
                         Yellow - better diving but tends to have less fish and invertebrates
                          Green  - best diving at the site

Be aware that the photos "compress" distances as you go from shore to the open ocean. It may appear that there is little good diveable area (green), but that is only because of its distance from shore in the picture.

View from the Steps                                                                         

The entrance at Outer Lovers can be treacherous if the swells are high. The beach is rocky and the surf zone is full of rocks and holes. If the swells are down, then this can be a great site to dive.

The best diving is ut to the edge of the kelp (Does this seem to be a repeating theme?). The out bed is a series of pinnacles that runs on a general 60 degree heading. Swim straight out from shore until you reach the final bed. The depth is about 35 feet. Be aware that int he summer, you may not be able to reach the outer bed on the surface.

There are a series of pinnacles on a 60 degree heading that are covered in invertebrates. Finding them all in low viz can be tough. Once you have run out of pinnacles on the 60 degree heading, take a 150 heading which will put you back onto the underwater extension of Lover's peninsula.

There are then two choices: 1) navigate to your entry, or 2) navigate around Lover's Point and into the Inner Cove.