Coral Street (Intermediate/Advanced)

The site is at the intersection of Coral Street and Ocean View Blvd. Parking is on the ocean side of Ocean View Blvd. The site is intermediate with the warning that current and swell can pick up quickly because of its proximity to the open ocean. Most dives here are firmly intermediate, but if the swells or current pick up, it can be a wild ride.

Coral Location
Underwater Site Map

Image Legend:   Red     - generally uninteresting unless you like sand or surgy rocks.
                         Yellow - better diving but tends to have less fish and invertebrates
                          Green  - best diving at the site

Be aware that the photos "compress" distances as you go from shore to the open ocean. It may appear that there is little good diveable area (green), but that is only because of its distance from shore in the picture.

View from the Street